viernes, mayo 26, 2006

"No matter how hard I try... it's never enugh".

Texto en inglés sin razón aparente.

Things that I need to say, but never can. Either because I can't seem to find the proper moment, or because I feel confused. Or both.

I'm so confused.

Things that used to be wrong, have been right the entire time. I grew up believing they were "evil and bad", and then, suddenly, they're good.

I knew they were "good", but inside, subconsciously, I didn't believe it. That other belief stayed in the back of my mind, and now that I realize--once more-- that they're good, that belief haunts me.

A part of me knows they're perfectly ok, and wants to do them. But everytime I try, that other part becomes so strong... and I end up where I started. Wondering... are they right or wrong? Should I...? Confusion all over the place.

I am confused. Three little words are enough. I, unlike them, feel that I'm not.

Oyendo: nada.

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